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Tonight's Movie: WOMAN WALKS AHEAD, directed by Susanna White.


Susanna White

British-born film and tv director, Susanna White has won a host of awards for her filmmaking. Having started out in documentaries she moved into drama in 2001 and within four years won a BAFTA for her work on Bleak House(TV). Her work with David Simon on Generation Kill (TV) yielded 11 Emmy nominations. Never afraid of new challenges, in 2016 Susanna directed the feature length adaption of John le Carre’s OUR KIND OF TRAITOR. Her latest film WOMAN WALKS AHEAD follows the relationship between famed warrior and holy man Sitting Bull and his confidant and portrait painter Catherine Weldon. Set in the late 19th century, WOMAN WALKS AHEAD uses the dispossession of the Lakota people’s land as a narrative backdrop. As Catherine and Sitting Bull grow closer, and as their friendship—and his life—are threatened by government forces, Catherine must stand up and fight for what is most important to her.

Watch the trailer to WOMAN WALKS AHEAD here!


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