Thank you again to everyone who came out last week to celebrate our one year anniversary! Shout out to Victoria Alonso who wowed us with her stories and expertise.
Tonight's Movie: THE WIND, directed by Emma Tammi and written by Teresa Sutherland.

Emma Tammi
Tammi's directing career began in documentary, in which she co-helmed the distance-runner focused Fair Chase, and Election Day: Lens Across America, which captured the 2016 election through the lens of the photojournalists who covered it. In making her first solo effort, Tammi was eager to dive into narrative cinema and found her experience shooting in New Mexico for Fair Chase an advantage when pitching herself to The Wind "because it was in a landscape that was similar in terms of its vastness and prairie lands. " The Wind centers on Lizzy Macklin, a plainswoman struggling to survive in a humble log cabin far from civilization. When her husband journeys for provisions, Lizzy is left alone to endure the unrelenting wind, ravenous wolves, and something far more sinister that prowls and howls in the night. When a new couple builds a home nearby, Lizzy hopes a budding friendship with young Emma Harper will be her salvation from loneliness and terror. The Wind is not only a movie about women and for women but also one made by women. In addition to Tammi and Sutherland, the crew boasts production designers Hillary and Courtney Andujar, set decorator Elsbeth Mumm, and film editor Alexandra Amick. And by Tammi's estimate, about 60 percent of her crew was female.
Watch the trailer for THE WIND here!