Tonight's Movie: THE CHAMBERMAID, directed by Lila Avilés.

Lila Avilés (Major shout out to Gaby McCormick for getting this for us!)
From an early age, Lila Avilés loved arranging family photos to tell stories, and after her start as a theater actress, Lila Avilés organically moved into directing. However, she didn’t study filmmaking and is self-taught. For the emerging Mexican auteur, both being a woman and lacking formal training as a moviemaker proved to be added hurdles on her path to creative success. “When you are woman, you are used to working in environments where a director is usually a man,” Avilés told Remezcla recently at AFI Fest, Since she hadn’t worked in film prior to this project, it was difficult for her to find a producer who would take a chance on a first-timer making an art-house piece. It only made sense that when she finally came across someone willing to take on the task, it was a woman. “I made the movie with my savings and with a fearless producer named Tatiana Graullera,” explained Avilés. With limited resources on hand, she presented Graullera with a daunting mission of filming The Chambermaid in 17 days. Since this, Lila has founded a Mexican based production company called Limerencia Films in which she intends to continue directing and producing films with deep themes with international projection. Aviles is currently in the development stage of her next film, which is an autobiographical story.
Watch the trailer to THE CHAMBERMAID here! This film will be released this June and have 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.